Kubernetes - Indication of CPU limit less than available CPU Kubernetes - Indication of CPU limit less than available CPU kubernetes kubernetes

Kubernetes - Indication of CPU limit less than available CPU

Kubernetes in Action 1st Edition by Marko Luksa

14.1.3. Understanding how CPU requests affect CPU time sharing

But if one container wants to use up as much CPU as it can, while the other one is sitting idle at a given moment, the first container will be allowed to use the whole CPU time (minus the small amount of time used by the second container, if any). After all, it makes sense to use all the available CPU if no one else is using it, right? As soon as the second container needs CPU time, it will get it and the first container will be throttled back.

enter image description here

Even when 2 CPU are available (no other process/container waiting) and a container is runnable, it can only use 0.5 CPU, and 1.5 CPU will be left unused. Is this correct?

So this is correct.