Kubernetes Ingress not accessible (localhost) Kubernetes Ingress not accessible (localhost) kubernetes kubernetes

Kubernetes Ingress not accessible (localhost)

An Ingress resource is just a definition for your cluster how to handle ingress traffic. It needs an Ingress Controller to actually process these definitions; creating an Ingress resource without having deployed an Ingress controller will not have any effect.

From the documentation:

In order for the Ingress resource to work, the cluster must have an Ingress controller running. This is unlike other types of controllers, which typically run as part of the kube-controller-manager binary, and which are typically started automatically as part of cluster creation. You need to choose the ingress controller implementation that is the best fit for your cluster, or implement one.

There are several Ingress controllers available that you can deploy by yourself (typically, via a Deployment resource), like for example the NGINX ingress controller (which is part of the Kubernetes project) or third-party ingress controllers like Traefik, Envoy or Voyager.