Kubernetes ingress rules: How to use wildcard and specific subdomain together Kubernetes ingress rules: How to use wildcard and specific subdomain together kubernetes kubernetes

Kubernetes ingress rules: How to use wildcard and specific subdomain together

I'm pretty sure this is currently not possible when looking at Issue 41881, but I could be missing something in the most recent version of Kubernetes—we're about to release 1.12 as we speak.

THere is already a PR raised for supporting the wild card domains in ingress rules.refer the below link


Can you try Traefik v1.7 and see if the wild card support is enabled.

You can use a default backend -

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1kind: Ingressmetadata:  name: testspec:  - backend:      serviceName: s2      servicePort: 80  rules:  - host: foo.bar.com    http:      paths:      - backend:          serviceName: s1          servicePort: 80