Kubernetes issues with ingress Kubernetes issues with ingress kubernetes kubernetes

Kubernetes issues with ingress

Don't use port 443 .. use 80 and don't use ssl in pod.Terminate pls on ingress

It's is because you aren't passing the TLS certificate to pgadmin pods.

As mentioned in documentation, you need to provide the certificate and key:



If left un-set, the container will listen on port 80 for connections in plain text. If set to any value, the container will listen on port 443 for TLS connections.

When TLS is enabled, a certificate and key must be provided. Typically these should be stored on the host file system and mounted from the container. The expected paths are /certs/server.crt and /certs/server.key

You have 2 options:

  1. Provide the key using the volumes on your deployment as mentioned here
  2. Use port 80 on deployment and configure the SSL in the Ingress.

From the specs you have provided, you should change the deployment file to:

..      env:       - name: PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL         value: "test@test.com"       - name: PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD         value: "test!"       ports:       - containerPort: 80

Change the service spec to point to the correct port:

apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:  name: pgadmin-servicespec:  selector:    frontend: pgadmin  ports:    - port: 80      targetPort: 80      protocol: TCP

And then, change the ingress to the correct port:

 spec:   tls:    - hosts:        - pgadmin.mydomain.com      secretName: cert   rules:     - host: pgadmin.mydomain.com       http:         paths:         - path: /           backend:             serviceName: pgadmin-service             servicePort: 80

The ingress will redirect all request from port 80 to 443 since you are using the nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect annotation