Kubernetes/kops: error attaching EBS volume to instance. You are not authorized to perform this operation. Error 403 Kubernetes/kops: error attaching EBS volume to instance. You are not authorized to perform this operation. Error 403 kubernetes kubernetes

Kubernetes/kops: error attaching EBS volume to instance. You are not authorized to perform this operation. Error 403

I found a solution. It's described here.

In kops 1.8.0-beta.1, master node requires you to tag the AWS volume with:

KubernetesCluster: <clustername-here>

So it's necessary to create EBS volume with that tag by using awscli:

aws ec2 create-volume --size 10 --region eu-central-1 --availability-zone eu-central-1a --volume-type gp2 --tag-specifications 'ResourceType=volume,Tags=[{Key=KubernetesCluster,Value=<clustername-here>}]'

or you can tag it by manually in EC2 -> Volumes -> Your volume -> Tags

That's it.


The right cluster name can be found within EC2 instances tags which are part of cluster. Key is the same: KubernetesCluster.