Kubernetes - mount container stdout stderr logs Kubernetes - mount container stdout stderr logs kubernetes kubernetes

Kubernetes - mount container stdout stderr logs

It is best practice to send log message to stdout for applications running in a container. The chentex/random-logger just follows this approach without any option to configure this, but we can bring up a hack like this:

apiVersion: apps/v1kind: Deploymentmetadata:  name: random-loggerspec:  selector:    matchLabels:      app: random-logger  template:    metadata:      labels:        app: random-logger    spec:      containers:      - name: random-logger        image: chentex/random-logger:latest        command: ["sh", "-c",  "./entrypoint.sh &> /logfile"]

When requesting the logs from the running pod there is nothing to see:

$ kubectl logs random-logger-76c6fd98d5-8d5fm

The application logs are written to logfile within the container:

$ kubectl exec random-logger-76c6fd98d5-8d5fm cat /logfile2019-02-28T00:23:23+0000 DEBUG first loop completed.2019-02-28T00:23:25+0000 ERROR something happened in this execution.2019-02-28T00:23:29+0000 INFO takes the value and converts it to string.2019-02-28T00:23:31+0000 WARN variable not in use.2019-02-28T00:23:37+0000 INFO takes the value and converts it to string.

Although this is possible, it is in general not advised. See the Kubernetes documentation about Logging Architecture for more background information.