Kubernetes: No Route to Host Kubernetes: No Route to Host kubernetes kubernetes

Kubernetes: No Route to Host

I encountered the same issue and resolved it by running the commands below:

iptables --flushiptables -tnat --flushsystemctl stop firewalldsystemctl disable firewalldsystemctl restart docker

for me the the solution was to modify the rules in iptables as described here

sudo iptables -D  INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibitedsudo iptables -D  FORWARD -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited

When you are using kubectl proxy, by default you should use as HTTP Kube API URL. Your requests to are then augmented with authentication headers and passed to API server. Thus you should try rather then with https and api ip

Also, make sure you have socat installed on kube nodes.