Kubernetes Persistent Volume Mount not found Kubernetes Persistent Volume Mount not found kubernetes kubernetes

Kubernetes Persistent Volume Mount not found

Looks like you have an indentation it's finding the VolumeMount but not the Volume. Something like this should work:

containers:- image: your-image  name: your-containers  volumeMounts:  - name: config    mountPath: /config    readOnly: true  args:  - --configfile=/config/traefik.tomlvolumes:  - name: config    persistentVolumeClaim:      claimName: pvclaim2    configMap:    name: traefik-config

Im going to take a wild guess here, is your traefik ingress controller running in the same namespace as your pvc? Pvc are namespace scoped, in your example, it is in default namespace. Normally we deploy ingress into its own namespace like "ingress" and its other associated pods.

Let's debug:

1) the name of your PersistentVolumeClaim is pvclaim2 and everything looks ok

2) VolumeMounts section looks ok. config is in read-only mode and it is correct for config.

3) volumes section describes that config volume's type is the persistentVolumeClaim and it links to the PVC pvclaim2 - ok!

4) Next we can see that config volume's type is the configMap along with the PersistentVolumeClaim at the same time...and that will be the reason of an errors in the future. Assuming you wanted to use config volume as a mount for configfile traefik.toml you don't need PVC (especially 5 gigabytes in read-only mode)

All you need to do is createconfigMap. Command syntax:

kubectl create configmap <map-name> <data-source>

In your case it could be done like this:

kubectl create configmap traefik-config --from-file=<your-local-path-to-file>/traefik.toml

Then you need to update your Deployment:

containers:- image: your-image  name: your-containers  volumeMounts:  - name: config    mountPath: /config    readOnly: true # as far as i know configmaps are read-only since 1.9.5  - name: some-persistent-storage-name    mountPath: /<some-mount-point-for-storage>


volumes:  - name: config    configMap:      name: traefik-config  - name: some-persistent-storage-name    persistentVolumeClaim:      claimName: pvclaim2