kubernetes pod can't connect (through service) to self, only to other pod-containers kubernetes pod can't connect (through service) to self, only to other pod-containers kubernetes kubernetes

kubernetes pod can't connect (through service) to self, only to other pod-containers

Thanks to all those who helped on GitHub.
The workaround turned out to be as follows:

tanen01 commented on Feb 4 Seeing the same problem here on k8s v1.1.7 stable

Issue occurs with:

kube-proxy --proxy-mode=iptables 

Once I changed it to:


(also the default), then it works again.

So, if you are experiencing this, please try turning off --proxy-mode when you start kube-proxy.

I have seen this reported by at least one other user. I filed an issue:https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/20475

I assume you used the version of Kubernetes from that link -- 1.1.2.

This is supposed to work - we've tested it extensively with the iptables proxy in kubernetes v1.1 (not default, but will be in v1.2). Can you say more about your environment?