Kubernetes pods restart issue anomaly Kubernetes pods restart issue anomaly kubernetes kubernetes

Kubernetes pods restart issue anomaly

Some older Java versions( prior to Java 8 u131 release) don’t recognize that they are running in a container. So even if you specify maximum heap size for the JVM with -Xmx, the JVM will set the maximum heap size based on the host’s total memory instead of the memory available to the container and then when a process tries to allocate memory over its limit(defined in a pod/deployment spec) your container is getting OOMKilled.

These problems might not pop up when running your Java apps in K8 cluster locally, because the difference between pod memory limit and total local machine memory aren’t big. But when you run it in production on nodes with more memory available, then JVM may go over your container memory limit and will be OOMKilled.

Starting from Java 8(u131 release) it is possible to make JVM be “container-aware” so that it recognizes constraints set by container control groups (cgroups).

For Java 8(from U131 release) and Java9 you can set this experimental flags to JVM:

-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap

It will set the heap size based on your container cgroups memory limit, which is defined as "resources: limits" in your container definition part of the pod/deployment spec. There still probably can be cases of JVM’s off-heap memory increase in Java 8, so you might monitor that, but overall those experimental flags must be handling that as well.

From Java 10 these experimental flags are the new default and are enabled/disabled by using this flag:

 -XX:+UseContainerSupport  -XX:-UseContainerSupport

Since you have limitedthe maximum memory usage of your pod to 9Gi, it will be terminated automatically when the memory usage get to 9Gi.

In GCloud App Engine you can Specify max. CPU usage threshold, e.b. 0.6. Meaning that if CPU reaches 0.6 of 100% - 60% - a new instance will spawn.

I did not come across such a setting, but maybe: Kubernetes POD/Deployment has similar configuration parameter. Meaning, if RAM of POD reaches 0.6 of 100%, terminate POD. In your case that would be 60% of 9GB = ~5GB. Just some Food for thought.