Kubernetes pods won't start even though node is a ready state Kubernetes pods won't start even though node is a ready state kubernetes kubernetes

Kubernetes pods won't start even though node is a ready state

Seem like you are running single node (master) k8s:

From Documentation:

Master Isolation

By default, your cluster will not schedule pods on the master for security reasons. If you want to be able to schedule pods on the master, e.g. for a single-machine Kubernetes cluster for development, run:

kubectl taint nodes --all node-role.kubernetes.io/master-

With output looking something like:

node "test-01" untainted taint key="dedicated" and effect="" not found. taint key="dedicated" and effect="" not found.

This will remove the node-role.kubernetes.io/master taint from any nodes that have it, including the master node, meaning that the scheduler will then be able to schedule pods everywhere.