kubernetes redinessProbe httpGet on tomcat image reports connection refused kubernetes redinessProbe httpGet on tomcat image reports connection refused kubernetes kubernetes

kubernetes redinessProbe httpGet on tomcat image reports connection refused

Exec works because that's being executed within the container where localhost:8080 is available.But httpGet is executed by Kubelet.So when host is specified as localhost, it tries to connect to port 8080 on the node. Hence the failure.

Please remove "host: localhost" in probe so that it'll default to pod ip and will work as expected.

when i was developing the deployment, i used the /manager/html as the path for httpGet probe. Which was not working due to 404 error.

To fix it, i tried out few option including host localhost, after changing the path i didn't remove the localhost. As mentioned by @Naga venkata Pradeep Namburi.

Kubelet uses the container ip for httpGet, specifying host : localhost it assumes the localhost of node rather than the container itself.

  readinessProbe:          initialDelaySeconds: 60          httpGet:           # host: localhost  # -- remove this local host            path: /temp/index.html            port: 8080