Kubernetes Redis Cluster issue Kubernetes Redis Cluster issue kubernetes kubernetes

Kubernetes Redis Cluster issue

Running ./redis-trib.rb create --replicas 1 doesn't make sense with this setup.

The port 6379 is only accessible through the service which you brough up, but never directly as you try. That's why you run into issues when you try to use your setup.

What you can do is to expose each POD with it's own service and have one additional cluster services to loadbalance external requests. As shown in the example repository from Kelsey Hightower. This way the PODs can communicate though the internally exposed ports and (external) clients can use the loadbalanced cluster port. The implication then is also that each POD requires it's own ReplicaSet (or Deployment). There's a long talk available on YouTube from Kelsey explaining the setup - YouTube / Slideshare.

An alternative would be to use a single redis master as shown in other examples.