Kubernetes service external IP address remains pending with IBM Cloud (earlier called as Bluemix) Kubernetes service external IP address remains pending with IBM Cloud (earlier called as Bluemix) kubernetes kubernetes

Kubernetes service external IP address remains pending with IBM Cloud (earlier called as Bluemix)

To close out the thread here, LoadBalancer cannot be used in a lite (aka free) cluster tier. The differences between lite and standard clusters can be found here - https://console.bluemix.net/docs/containers/cs_planning.html#cs_planning.

Run the following to determine if there are any failure events.

kubectl describe svc kubia-http

Thanks to Chris Rosen's answer, I was able to find a workaround:

$ bx cs workers my_kubernetesOKID                 Public IP  Private IP  Machine Type State    Statuskube-par01-xxxxx     free         normal   Ready

Note the Public IP address:

Expose the service with NodePort:

$ kubectl expose rc kubia --type=NodePort --name kubia-http2

Check the NodePort details:

$ kubectl get svcNAME          CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGEkubernetes     <none>        443/TCP          21hkubia-http2   <nodes>       8080:31247/TCP   10s

Access the service using the exposed port on the worker Public IP address:

$ curl've hit kubia-bjb59