Kubernetes service on windows node not reachable Kubernetes service on windows node not reachable kubernetes kubernetes

Kubernetes service on windows node not reachable

Regarding Windows services failing:Can you post CollectLogs.ps1 output (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Microsoft/SDN/master/Kubernetes/windows/debug/collectlogs.ps1) and your CNI config file? Can the Windows pods reach the external internet (e.g. curl -useb http://google.com?)

Also, there is a video recently presented at KubeCon that goes into detail on how to troubleshoot Kubernetes networking problems on Windows that you may find helpful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTZFoiLObX4&feature=youtu.be

Regarding resolution of service.namespace, unfortunately that is a difference in behavior today by design of the DNS resolver on Windows, whereby any name searches containing dots are treated authoritatively. This is also why the default CNI config file doesn't have the needed DNS suffices specified in the SearchList that isn't working today. This behavior won't change earlier than Windows Server, version 1903 release.