Kubernetes - Set Release.Namespace to dependencies values on values.yaml Kubernetes - Set Release.Namespace to dependencies values on values.yaml kubernetes kubernetes

Kubernetes - Set Release.Namespace to dependencies values on values.yaml

While it does not appear that helm, itself, can do that, helmfile can via either its integration with kustomize or with its prepare hook. I'll show the prepare hook because it's much shorter

releases:- name: kong-config  chart: whatever/kong  version: 1.0.0  values:  - ./generated-values.yaml  hooks:  - events: ['prepare']    command: bash    args:    - -c    - |      printf 'websso:\n  service:\n    fullnameOverride: my-helm.{{`{{ .Release.Namespace }}`}}.svc.cluster.local\n' > generated-values.yaml

I solved this executing one additional command outside of my helm chart. As I have a Makefile file for my project build process where I can run some scripts for the multiple stages of my build. And so I added this command to the deploy stage:

sed -i "s/_RELEASE_NAMESPACE_/$(NAMESPACE)/g" $(MODULE_PATH)/chart/values.yaml

This works for a build workflow in some tool. But when I want to install manually my helm chart somewhere, it can't be done and I need to change manually that value with the server value.