Kubernetes: strategy for out-of-cluster persistent storage Kubernetes: strategy for out-of-cluster persistent storage kubernetes kubernetes

Kubernetes: strategy for out-of-cluster persistent storage

so I am using a very similar strategy for my cluster where all my PVC are placed on a standalone VM instance with a static IP and which has an NFS-server running and a simple nfs-client-provisioner helm chart on my cluster.

So here what I did :

  1. Created a server(Ubuntu) and installed the NFS server on it. Reference here
  2. Install a helm chart/app for nfs-client-proviosner with parameters.

    nfs.path = /srv ( the path on server which is allocated to NFS and shared)

    nfs.server = xx.yy.zz.ww ( IP of my NFS server configured above)

And that's it the chart creates an nfs-client storage class which you can use to create a PVC and attach to your pods.

Note - Make sure to configure the /etc/exports file on the NFS server to look like this as mentioned in the reference digital ocean document.

/srv kubernetes_node_1_IP(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)

/srv kubernetes_node_2_IP(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)... and so on.

I am using the PVC for some php and laravel applications, seem to work well without any considerable delays. Although you will have to check for your specific requirements. HTH.