Kubernetes Traefik v2.3.0 - Web UI 404 Not Found after removing --api.insecure Kubernetes Traefik v2.3.0 - Web UI 404 Not Found after removing --api.insecure kubernetes kubernetes

Kubernetes Traefik v2.3.0 - Web UI 404 Not Found after removing --api.insecure

Here's another take on the IngressRoute, adapted to your environment.

I think 99% of the issue is actual route matching, especially if you say --api.insecure works.Also as a rule of a thumb, logging & access log would help a lot in the DaemonSet definition.

    - --log    - --log.level=DEBUG    - --accesslog
    ---    apiVersion: traefik.containo.us/v1alpha1    kind: IngressRoute    metadata:      name: traefik-ui      namespace: ingress-basic    spec:      entryPoints:        - websecure      routes:      - match: Host(`traefik-ui.domain.com`) && (PathPrefix(`/api`) || PathPrefix(`/dashboard`))        kind: Rule        services:        - name: api@internal          kind: TraefikService        middlewares:          - name: traefik-basic-auth      tls:        secretName: traefik-ui-cert