Kubernetes's Ingress annotations for x509 certificate authentificate Kubernetes's Ingress annotations for x509 certificate authentificate kubernetes kubernetes

Kubernetes's Ingress annotations for x509 certificate authentificate

First of all you are missing the secret with SSL files issued for your domain. (if we are talking about a native k8s secret management) You secret should be created by:

kubectl --namespace bdf-opengie-test create secret tls <secret_name> --key <key_path> --cert <cert_path>

Then your Ingress .yml file should contain this secret:

 ... tls:   - hosts:     - keycloak-opengie-test-ssl.<domain>     secretName: <secret_name>

Only after this you can think about any annotations for auth or something else which is not working

Note: the secret is a namespaced object.

ingress:    hostname: id.login.example.com    annotations:      nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/configuration-snippet: "more_clear_input_headers \"x-forwarded-client-cert\";\n  more_set_input_headers \"x-forwarded-client-cert: $ssl_client_cert\";\n"      nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/server-snippet: |        ssl_verify_client on;        ssl_client_certificate /etc/nginx/truststore-development.crt;        ssl_verify_depth 2;        ssl_session_cache off;