Let's encrypt, Kubernetes and Traefik on GKE Let's encrypt, Kubernetes and Traefik on GKE kubernetes kubernetes

Let's encrypt, Kubernetes and Traefik on GKE

You can store the certificate in a kubernetes secret and you reference to this secret in your ingress.

spec:  tls:  - secretName: testsecret

The secret has to be in same namespace the ingress is running in.See also https://docs.traefik.io/user-guide/kubernetes/#add-a-tls-certificate-to-the-ingress

You can set up the ingress with controller and apply for the SSL certificate of let's encrypt.

You can use cluster issuer to manage the SSL certificates and store that tls certificate on ingress.you can also use different ingress controllers like nginx also can use service mess istio.

For more details you can check : https://docs.traefik.io/user-guide/kubernetes/