Location of Kubernetes config directory with Docker Desktop on Windows Location of Kubernetes config directory with Docker Desktop on Windows kubernetes kubernetes

Location of Kubernetes config directory with Docker Desktop on Windows

Is there a different process because the cluster is through Docker Desktop?

You can get access to the kubeapi-server.yaml with a Kubernetes that is running on Docker Desktop but in a "hacky" way. I've included the explanation below.

For setups that require such reconfigurations, I encourage you to use different solution like for example minikube.

Minikube has a feature that allows you to pass the additional options for the Kubernetes components. You can read more about --extra-config ExtraOption by following this documentation:

As for the reconfiguration of kube-apiserver.yaml with Docker Desktop

You need to run following command:

  • $ docker run -it --privileged --pid=host debian nsenter -t 1 -m -u -n -i sh

Above command will allow you to run $ vi /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml and edit the configuration of the api server. The Pod running kubeapi-server will be restarted with new parameters.

You can check below StackOverflow answers for more reference: