Log Configuration for Kubernetes multiple POD instances for same services Log Configuration for Kubernetes multiple POD instances for same services kubernetes kubernetes

Log Configuration for Kubernetes multiple POD instances for same services

It should be possible to set the Pod information (including the name) as environment variables as mentioned here. In the application read the environment variable and log appropriately.

As mentioned by @PraveenSripati, downward api is the solution. However, there are cases where one is forced to use third-party libraries and not able to use environment variables to override the location. In past we have configured our pods to use a combination of downward API and a K8S command and args to run a custom script before starting the application.

Let's assume the log location is set to /opt/logs, in that case, we do something like below, We keep this script in the container while builing it. For instance we call this entrypoint.sh ,

#!/bin/bashlog_location="/opt/log-$MY_POD_NAME/$MY_POD_IP"mkdir -p /opt/log-$MY_POD_NAME/$MY_POD_IP rm -f /opt/log ln -s /opt/log $log_locationexec <Application_start_command> 

Kubernetes POD definition

apiVersion: v1kind: Podmetadata:  name: dapi-envars-fieldrefspec:  containers:    - name: test-container      image: k8s.gcr.io/busybox      command: [ "sh", "-c"]      args:      - /opt/entrypoint.sh       env:        - name: MY_NODE_NAME          valueFrom:            fieldRef:              fieldPath: spec.nodeName        - name: MY_POD_NAME          valueFrom:            fieldRef:              fieldPath: metadata.name        - name: MY_POD_NAMESPACE          valueFrom:            fieldRef:              fieldPath: metadata.namespace        - name: MY_POD_IP          valueFrom:            fieldRef:              fieldPath: status.podIP        - name: MY_POD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT          valueFrom:            fieldRef:              fieldPath: spec.serviceAccountName  restartPolicy: Never

This will create a symlink where the third-party library can write without changing any code there.