Make RabbitMQ durable/persistent queues survive Kubernetes pod restart Make RabbitMQ durable/persistent queues survive Kubernetes pod restart kubernetes kubernetes

Make RabbitMQ durable/persistent queues survive Kubernetes pod restart

How can I prevent this behavior?

By using a StatefulSet as is intended for the case where Pods have persistent data that is associated with their "identity." The Helm chart is a fine place to start reading, even if you don't end up using it.

I ran into this issue myself and the quickest way I found was to specify an environment variable RABBITMQ_NODENAME = "yourapplicationsqueuename" and making sure I only had 1 replica for my pod.

What helped in our case was to set hostname: <static-host-value>

apiVersion: apps/v1kind: Deploymentspec:  replicas: 1  ...  template:    metadata:      labels:        app: rabbitmq    spec:      ...      containers:      - name: rabbitmq        image: rabbitmq:3-management        ...      hostname: rmq-host