microk8s Connection to port 16443 was refused microk8s Connection to port 16443 was refused kubernetes kubernetes

microk8s Connection to port 16443 was refused

It is hard to tell exactly what might went wrong here but there are few things that you could do in order to fix your issue:

  • .kube/config is missing or not configured correctly. Create or copy a valid kubeconfig file to solve this.

  • You have swap not turned off. With swap enabled, kubelet service will not start. Execute: sudo swapoff -a in order to make sure it is disabled.

  • kubelet might be down. Check kubelet logs and make sure that kube-apiserver is up and running.

  • Check which ports are appropriate to use with the telnet command.

check your /etc/ hosts filethere should be these lines localhost127.0.1.1 name you servers

iptables were provisioned by ansible which were messing with microk8s iptables configuration