minikube: could not find capabilities for domaintype=kvm minikube: could not find capabilities for domaintype=kvm kubernetes kubernetes

minikube: could not find capabilities for domaintype=kvm

My update is close to the solution. The solution is to enable virtualization in the BIOS.

1, Power on your PC and open the BIOS.

2, Go to the security section and enable virtualization.

you need to install the kvm package refer package.

# Install libvirt and qemu-kvm on your system, e.g.# Debian/Ubuntu$ sudo apt install libvirt-bin qemu-kvm# Fedora/CentOS/RHEL$ sudo yum install libvirt-daemon-kvm kvm# Add yourself to the libvirtd group (use libvirt group for rpm based distros) so you don't need to sudo# Debian/Ubuntu (NOTE: For Ubuntu 17.04 change the group to `libvirt`)$ sudo usermod -a -G libvirtd $(whoami)# Fedora/CentOS/RHEL$ sudo usermod -a -G libvirt $(whoami)# Update your current session for the group change to take effect# Debian/Ubuntu (NOTE: For Ubuntu 17.04 change the group to `libvirt`)$ newgrp libvirtd# Fedora/CentOS/RHEL$ newgrp libvirt