Minikube service URL not working Minikube service URL not working kubernetes kubernetes

Minikube service URL not working

From what I see, you executed minikube start inside the Ubuntu VM. By default, this would try to download the minikube ISO and launch another VM (VM inside a VM) where minikube would be running.

I think that this nested virtualization is causing issues with your installation. If, for some reason, minikube started with --vm-driver=none to avoid the VM inside the VM (I think this is the case, looking at the UP), there are some features that are in beta (by the time this answer was written), which could explain the weird behaviour. Because of this, my first advice would be to execute minikube inside the Windows host so it spins up a VM inside virtualbox. Inside you could reproduce the container environment you previously had, and execute the kubectl commands from the Windows host. Most of the documentation assume this setup, so you would not see differences like in localhost.

In any case, in order to have full redirection and check if the service is running, try executing the curl command like this:

    curl -L

Guys you mistake when creating a pod or deploy using port number 80 ,thats why your url service not working ,because 80 port allready busy ,so you need to use other port number like 8080.

For Example:

$ kubectl run hello-minikube --port=8080$  kubectl expose pod hello-minikube --type=NodePort$  minikube service hello-minikube --url

Then its working 100%.