Minikube springboot receive request and doesn't respond correctly Minikube springboot receive request and doesn't respond correctly kubernetes kubernetes

Minikube springboot receive request and doesn't respond correctly

I can see you have .yml files to define the deployment and the service, but I can see no "Ingress". A .yml file of kind: Route is needed in order to tell kubernetes that there should be an external url pointing to your service; a minimal Ingress resource example:

apiVersion: Ingressmetadata:  name: test-ingress  annotations: /spec:  rules:  - http:      paths:      - path: /testpath        backend:          serviceName: test          servicePort: 80

**Please don't take this code literally, I'm just trying to draft some example code here and may not match perfectly your naming/data :)

Finally solved the problem.

Everything was working fine because i was launching the app from Eclipse IDE, and when packaging a .jar file, the jps files included inside the /webapp/WEB-INF/jsps folder were not included inside the .jar file and even including them throw the <resources> tag in the pom.xml file didn't solve the problem since the jar packaging isn't suitable for jsp file.

I fixed the problem by adding <packaging>war</packaging> inside the pom.xml file to change the packaging method as the .jsp files feel confortable within a .war file.

Thanks to @Marc for the help.