Multiple instances of Traefik in different kubernetes namespaces Multiple instances of Traefik in different kubernetes namespaces kubernetes kubernetes

Multiple instances of Traefik in different kubernetes namespaces

This error may occur when Traefik believes that no namespaces were configured; that is, the TOML configuration you outlined

[kubernetes]namespaces = ["engineering"]

is not becoming effective.

I can think of two reasons:

  1. In addition to the TOML configuration file, you are also passing a --kubernetes command-line argument to Traefik (through an args entry in the Deployment manifest). This would disable the namespaces option.
  2. The file is not properly mounted into the Deployment, causing the default namespaces value (the empty list) to be effective. To tell whether that's truly the case, we need to see your full ConfigMap and the relevant volume sections of your Deployment manifests.