Mutating a Kubernetes deployment yaml for tolerations doc is missing Mutating a Kubernetes deployment yaml for tolerations doc is missing kubernetes kubernetes

Mutating a Kubernetes deployment yaml for tolerations doc is missing

I don't see the whole file, therefore I cannot correct it.But the problem is with your path, you are probably linking an array -- you have to specify an index. When you want to add an element to the end of an array, use -1 like this: spec/template/spec/containers/0/env/-1

Have a look at this example

  • shortened yaml file:
...spec:  template:    spec:      containers: # this is an array, there is 0 in the path         - name: somename          image: someimage          env: # another array, we are putting the element at the end, therefore index is -1          - name: SOME_VALUE_0            value: "foo"          - name: SOME_VALUE_1            value: "bar"          # I want to add second env variable SOME_VALUE_2 here...
  • kustomization.yaml
apiVersion: Kustomizationresources:     - ../link/to/your/yamlpatchesJson6902:     - target:            ...       patch: |-            - op: "add"              path: "/spec/jobTemplate/spec/template/spec/containers/0/env/-1"              value: {name: "SOME_VALUE_2", value: "baz"}