Name resolution from windows pods does not work on 1.18.1 Name resolution from windows pods does not work on 1.18.1 kubernetes kubernetes

Name resolution from windows pods does not work on 1.18.1

FYI. Kubernetes 1.18.1 has a bug for windows nodes which fail to create network called Host on reboot. ( As a result communication is broken within flannel even if you recreate network manually with docker network create -d nat host. To make DNS resolution to work again you also need to restart Rancher wins service get-service rancher-wins | Restart-ServiceComplete solution untill this is fixed is to modify StartKubelet.ps1 file and add following to it on line 3

$netId = docker network ls -f name=host --format "{{ .ID }}"if ($netId.Length -lt 1) {    docker network create -d nat host}