Need advice on helm charts vs manifests based deployments Need advice on helm charts vs manifests based deployments kubernetes kubernetes

Need advice on helm charts vs manifests based deployments

Helm can do multiple things for you:

  • template k8s manifests - similar to what Kustomize is currently doing in your setup
  • take care about upgrading installations - that includes removing deletes resources
  • keep track of revisions of your installations - so you can rollback easily
  • allow you to add helmcharts to your application as a dependency - so your application chart will also include mysql and redis for example - all managed in one place and deployed together
  • define chart for default microservice (with monitoring, ingress config etc) with extensive configuration options and use it across most of the teams in your company
  • etc

Looks like the last point matches your demand quite a lot, since you have many applications from multiple teams.

I think helm with reusable charts a great next step from raw k8s manifests.

Also you can define tests to be executed to validate the release.