Need help troubleshooting Istio IngressGateway HTTP ERROR 503 Need help troubleshooting Istio IngressGateway HTTP ERROR 503 kubernetes kubernetes

Need help troubleshooting Istio IngressGateway HTTP ERROR 503

As 503 often occurs and it´s hard to find the issue I set up little troubleshooting answer, there are another questions with 503 error which I encountered for several months with answers, useful informations from istio documentation and things I would check.

Examples with 503 error:

Common cause of 503 errors from istio documentation:

Few things I would check first:

  • Check services ports name, Istio can route correctly the traffic if it knows the protocol. It should be <protocol>[-<suffix>] as mentioned in istiodocumentation.
  • Check mTLS, if there are any problems caused by mTLS, usually those problems would result in error 503.
  • Check if istio works, I would recommend to apply bookinfo application example and check if it works as expected.
  • Check if your namespace is injected with kubectl get namespace -L istio-injection
  • If the VirtualService using the subsets arrives before the DestinationRule where the subsets are defined, the Envoy configuration generated by Pilot would refer to non-existent upstream pools. This results in HTTP 503 errors until all configuration objects are available to Pilot.

Hope you find this useful.