Need input with passing commands in Kubernetes containers Need input with passing commands in Kubernetes containers kubernetes kubernetes

Need input with passing commands in Kubernetes containers

The YAML list definition are only a matter of taste, it's just a YAML syntax. This two examples are equivalent:

listOne:- item1- item2listTwo: ['item1', 'item2']

And this syntax works for both args and command. Beside that args and command are slight different, as the documentation says:

  • If you do not supply command or args for a Container, the defaultsdefined in the Docker image are used
  • If you supply a command but no args for a Container, only the supplied command is used. The default EntryPoint and the default Cmd defined in the Docker image are ignored.
  • If you supply only args for a Container, the default Entrypoint defined in the Docker image is run with the args that you supplied.
  • If you supply a command and args, the default Entrypoint and the default Cmd defined in the Docker image are ignored. Your command is run with your args.

Imagine a container like mysql, if you look it's Dockerfile you'll notice this:

ENTRYPOINT [""]CMD ["mysqld"]

The entrypoint call a script that prepare everything the database needs, when finish, this script calls exec "$@" and the shell variable $@ are everything defined in cmd.

So, on Kubernetes, if you want to pass arguments to mysqld you do something like:

image: mysqlargs:- mysqld- --skip-grant-tables# or args: ["mysqld", "--skip-grant-tables"]

This still executes the entrypoint but now, the value of $@ is mysqld --skip-grant-tables.