Nginx and Ingress with Kubernetes not routing my request Nginx and Ingress with Kubernetes not routing my request kubernetes kubernetes

Nginx and Ingress with Kubernetes not routing my request

There are some issues with your setup as far as I can see:

  • KUBEIPADDRESS in the URL you call: an IP address won't work because you configured your Ingress to listen on testhost. So you need to call http://testhost/customer, and configure your network to resolve testhost to the correct IP address

  • but what is the correct IP address? You are trying to use k8s master on port 80. That won't work without further configuration. For that you need to use a NodePort service for the Ingress Controller, which exposes it on port 80 (and probably 433). In order to use that low ports, you need to allow it with an option of kube-apiserver, see --service-node-port-range on Once that works, you can use any IP address of any node of your k8s cluster for testhost. Note: be sure that no other application uses these ports on any node!