Nginx Ingress Controller - Failed Calling Webhook Nginx Ingress Controller - Failed Calling Webhook kubernetes kubernetes

Nginx Ingress Controller - Failed Calling Webhook

Another option you have is to remove the Validating Webhook entirely:

kubectl delete -A ValidatingWebhookConfiguration ingress-nginx-admission

I found I had to do that on another issue, but the workaround/solution works here as well.

This isn't the best answer; the best answer is to figure out why this doesn't work. But at some point, you live with workarounds.

I'm installing on Docker for Mac, so I used the cloud rather than baremetal version:

kubectl apply -f

In my case I'd mixed the installations up.I resolved the issue by executing the following steps:

$ kubectl get validatingwebhookconfigurations 

I iterated through the list of configurations received from the above steps and deleted the configuration using

$ `kubectl delete validatingwebhookconfigurations [configuration-name]`

I've solved this issue. The problem was that you use Kubernetes version 1.18, but the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration in current ingress-Nginx uses the oldest API; see the doc:

Ensure that the Kubernetes cluster is at least as new as v1.16 (to use, or v1.9 (to use

And in current yaml :

 # Source: ingress-nginx/templates/admission-webhooks/validating-webhook.yaml    # before changing this value, check the required kubernetes version    #

and in rules :

apiVersions:          - v1beta1

So you need to change it on v1 :


and add rule -v1 :

apiVersions:          - v1beta1          - v1

After you change it and redeploy -your custom ingress service will deploy sucessfull