Not able to see Kubernetes UI Dashboard Not able to see Kubernetes UI Dashboard kubernetes kubernetes

Not able to see Kubernetes UI Dashboard

Try go to:

http://<master IP>:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/

As mentioned here:

As mention in kubernetes/dashboard issue 1803:

changes in kubernetes 1.6 users that want to enable RBACs should configure them first to allow dashboard access to api server.

Make sure you have define a service account as in here, to be able to access the dashboard.

See "Service Account Permissions":

Default RBAC policies grant scoped permissions to control-plane components, nodes, and controllers, but grant no permissions to service accounts outside the “kube-system” namespace (beyond discovery permissions given to all authenticated users).

This allows you to grant particular roles to particular service accounts as needed.
Fine-grained role bindings provide greater security, but require more effort to administrate.
Broader grants can give unnecessary (and potentially escalating) API access to service accounts, but are easier to administrate.

I faced same issue when i was creating my self-hosted kubernetes cluster on aws ec2 machines. I troubleshooted in following way and fixed

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa (Enter in Master machines from kops installed machine)$ kubectl proxy --address= --port-8001 &$ ssh -i pemfile username@Ip-address (in machine where you installed kops )$ cat ~/.kube/config (to get user  name and password )$ kubectl -n kube-system describe secret admin-user-token-id

To get DashBoard
