npm packages are not found - SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' npm packages are not found - SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' kubernetes kubernetes

npm packages are not found - SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<'

By default Istio will proxy from to http://pod_ip:8000/base-app/npm.babel.4fca5....chunk.js, and, as far as I can tell, your image serves files directly from /dist, so Istio should actually proxy to http://pod_ip:8000/npm.babel.4fca5....chunk.js; note the missing /base-app/. To do that, try to update the Istio Virtual Service to:

- match:  - uri:      prefix: /base-app  rewrite:    uri: /  route:  - destination:      host: svc-app      port:        number: 8000