Ocelot api gateway - kubernetes - error: "namespace:serviceservice:managementservice Unable to use ,it is invalid. Address must contain host only...." Ocelot api gateway - kubernetes - error: "namespace:serviceservice:managementservice Unable to use ,it is invalid. Address must contain host only...." kubernetes kubernetes

Ocelot api gateway - kubernetes - error: "namespace:serviceservice:managementservice Unable to use ,it is invalid. Address must contain host only...."

It turns out that the real problem that i was having was in the permissions in kubernetes. The ocelot documentation also mentions this. But the command in the documentation is incorrect (most likely out dated).

This is the command that i used. Be warned the kubernetes documenation strongly disrecommend usage of this command permissive-rbac-permissions. But it is at least a way for you to test your api gateway in ocelot locally.

kubectl create clusterrolebinding permissive-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=admin --user=kubelet --group=system:serviceaccounts