OpenShift REST API for scaling, invalid character 's' looking for beginning of value OpenShift REST API for scaling, invalid character 's' looking for beginning of value kubernetes kubernetes

OpenShift REST API for scaling, invalid character 's' looking for beginning of value

Ok, I found out the issue. Silly thing first, data should be inside single quotes data = '{'spec':{'replicas':2}}'.

Then, we need few more info in our data, which finally looks like :

data = '{"kind":"Scale","apiVersion":"extensions/v1beta1","metadata":{"name":"deployment_name","namespace":"namespace_name"},"spec":{"replicas":1}}'

Thank you for your time.

I had the same use case and the hint of @GrahamDumpleton to run oc with --loglevel 9 was very helpful.This is what oc scale does:

  1. It makes a get request to the resource, receiving some JSON object
  2. Then it makes a put request to the resource, with a modified JSONobject (the number of replicas changed) as payload

If you're doing this you don't have to worry about setting the apiVersion, you just reuse what you get in the first place.

Here is a small python script, that follows this approach:

"""Login into your project first `oc login` and `oc project <your-project>` before running this script.Usage:    pip install requests    python --deployment-name <your-deployment> --nof-replicas <number>"""import argparseimport requestsfrom subprocess import check_outputimport warningswarnings.filterwarnings("ignore")  # ignore insecure request warningsdef byte_to_str(bs):    return bs.decode("utf-8").strip()def get_endpoint():    byte_str = check_output("echo $(oc config current-context | cut -d/ -f2 | tr - .)", shell=True)    return byte_to_str(byte_str)def get_namespace():    byte_str = check_output("echo $(oc config current-context | cut -d/ -f1)", shell=True)    return byte_to_str(byte_str)def get_token():    byte_str = check_output("echo $(oc whoami -t)", shell=True)    return byte_to_str(byte_str)def scale_pods(deployment_name, nof_replicas):    url = "https://{endpoint}/apis/{namespace}/deploymentconfigs/{deplyoment_name}/scale".format(        endpoint=get_endpoint(),        namespace=get_namespace(),        deplyoment_name=deployment_name    )    headers = {        "Authorization": "Bearer %s" % get_token()    }    get_response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=False)    data = get_response.json()    data["spec"]["replicas"] = nof_replicas    print(data)    response_put = requests.put(url, headers=headers, json=data, verify=False)    print(response_put.status_code)def main():    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()    parser.add_argument("--deployment-name", type=str, required=True, help="deployment name")    parser.add_argument("--nof-replicas", type=int, required=True, help="nof replicas")    args = parser.parse_args()    scale_pods(args.deployment_name, args.nof_replicas)if __name__ == "__main__":    main()