pods can't access to kubernets clusterIP service ( pods can't access to kubernets clusterIP service ( kubernetes kubernetes

pods can't access to kubernets clusterIP service (

I fixed that in two steps:first I did make change the kube-proxy config to it's default.Then i did write to HOST's /sys/module/nf_conntrack/parameters/hashsize the hash size which needed by kube-proxy manually. Then delete kube-proxy pods and let it's deployment to create theme again automatically.The main problem is Flannel configuration. flannel deployment doesn't looks for my cluster default ip range and set it's ip range i did edit it's configuration and change that to my range:

kubectl edit cm -n kube-system kube-flannel-cfg

And again, delete all flannel pods and let it's deployment to create them again automatically.

Now my pod has access to kubernetes default clusterIP service.