Populating Docker containers with sensitive information using kubernetes Populating Docker containers with sensitive information using kubernetes kubernetes kubernetes

Populating Docker containers with sensitive information using kubernetes

Unless you have many megabytes of config, this system sounds unnecessarily complex. The intended usage is for you to just put each config into a secret, and the pods needing the config can mount that secret as a volume.

You can then use any of a variety of mechanisms to pass that config to your task, e.g. if it's environment variables source secret/config.sh; ./mybinary is a simple way.

I don't think you gain any extra security by storing a private key as a secret.

I would personally resolve to user a remote keymanager that your software could access across the net over a HTTPS connection. For example Keywhiz or Vault would probably fit the bill.

I would host the keymanager on a separate isolated subnet, and configure firewall to only allow access to ip addresses which I expected to need the keys. Both KeyWhiz and Vault comes with an ACL mechanism, so you may not have to do anything with firewalls at all, but it does not hurt to consider it -- however the key here is to host the keymanager on a separate network, and possible even a separate hosting provider.

You local configuration file in the container would contain just the URL of the key service, and possible a credentials to retrieve the key from the keymanager -- the credentials would be useless to an attacker if he didn't match the ACL/IP addresses.