Postgres on Kubernetes on IBM Bluemix containers Postgres on Kubernetes on IBM Bluemix containers kubernetes kubernetes

Postgres on Kubernetes on IBM Bluemix containers

I solved it using "Pod" and not Deployment. I also changed hostPath and note the ephemeral "emptyDir" volume format (this is a test in free Kubernetes service by Bluemix so I can't use real volumes). This is the working yaml:

apiVersion: v1kind: Podmetadata:  name: postgres  labels:    name: postgresspec:  containers:    - name: postgres      image:      env:        - name: POSTGRES_PASSWORD          value: MYPASSWORD      ports:        - containerPort: 5432      volumeMounts:        - name: pg-data          mountPath: /var/lib/postgresql/data        - name: tz-config          mountPath: /etc/localtime  volumes:  - name: pg-data    #emptyDir: {}    hostPath:      path: "/opt/tripbruPostgres"  - name: tz-config    hostPath:      path: /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Madrid

(Note I still don't know what was wrong with my "Deployment" approach, but using Pod works as I don't need replication at this stage)