Prepend string to list item and turn it into JSON in Ansible Prepend string to list item and turn it into JSON in Ansible kubernetes kubernetes

Prepend string to list item and turn it into JSON in Ansible

You can do this like so:

---- hosts: localhost  connection: local  gather_facts: no  vars:    ports:      - 123      - 456  tasks:    - name: Creating custom ports      set_fact:        container_ports: '{{ ports | map("regex_replace", "^(.*)$", "containerPort: \1") | map("from_yaml") | list }}'    - debug:        var: container_ports...

The trick is to convert each item into a YAML hash and then convert that to a Python dict using from_yaml.

Debug output:

ok: [localhost] => {    "container_ports": [        {            "containerPort": 123        },         {            "containerPort": 456        }    ]}

An other solution using json_query

---- hosts: localhost  gather_facts: false  vars:    ports:      - 123      - 456  tasks:    - name: Tranform raw list to Kubernetes compatible format      debug:        msg: "{{ ports | json_query('[].{\"containerPort\": @}') }}"

Which gives:

PLAY [localhost] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************TASK [Tranform raw list to Kubernetes compatible format] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ok: [localhost] => {    "msg": [        {            "containerPort": 123        },        {            "containerPort": 456        }    ]}PLAY RECAP *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************localhost                  : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0