Problem executing "minikube start" command Problem executing "minikube start" command kubernetes kubernetes

Problem executing "minikube start" command

You might have a minikube VM that has an old version or/and minikube cannot connect to. You can try deleting the VM and/or wipe out ~/.minikube

$ minikube delete$ rm -rf ~/.minikube

If that doesn't work then you have a problem with VirtualBox. Uninstall/Re-install

3 years ago, I spent a lot of time struggling with minikube even though it has been the official way to run kubernetes locally.

If you get stuck, i would suggest to have a KinD cluster up in few seconds by just running this script:

kind_version="v0.8.1"kind_bin_path=/usr/local/bin/kindif [ ! -f ${kind_bin_path} ]; then  curl -Lo ./kind "${kind_version}/kind-$(uname)-amd64"  chmod +x ./kind  sudo mv ./kind ${kind_bin_path}ficat <<EOF | kind create cluster --config -                   kind: ClusterapiVersion: role: control-plane- role: worker- role: workerEOFexport KUBECONFIG="$(kind get kubeconfig-path --name="kind")"# Now check kubectl get nodes# Congrats!

To customize more the cluster, check other YAML config here.

Good luck for whatever works for you.