Problems when upgrade kube-lego to cert-manager Problems when upgrade kube-lego to cert-manager kubernetes kubernetes

Problems when upgrade kube-lego to cert-manager

let's take an another path, Letsencrypt official docs say that they won't be supporting any longer for below 0.8 versions, so I recommend you to install cert-manager provided by Jetstack, that you can find here, to install the helm chart for it.

The follow this stackoverflow post, for configurations, note that if the api version mentioned in that post doesn't support in case of cluster issuer, then rather use


Note that , the tls secret name mentioned in the certificate will be auto-generated by cert-manager, and it automatically starts an acme-challenge to validate the domain, once you patch that secret name to the TLS in your ingress rule.

It shall solve the issue and the certificate's status will change to ready after the domain verification