Prometheus Presto-Exporter Configuration on Kubernetes Prometheus Presto-Exporter Configuration on Kubernetes kubernetes kubernetes

Prometheus Presto-Exporter Configuration on Kubernetes

This Prometheus exporter can scrape the metrics from the presto cluster, and it should be installed in the coordinator server of the presto cluster.

That means the exporter image should be in the sidecar container of the coordinator pods in the presto cluster. Then it will be able to scrape metrics from http://localhost:8080/v1/cluster URL.

If you really want it to be in the separate pod, you need to provide flag -web.url instead of env web_url.

      containers:      - args:        - "-web.url=http://<vm_url>:<nodeport>/v1/cluster"        image: <registry-ip>/presto-exporter:latest        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent        name: presto-exporter        ports:        - containerPort: 9483          protocol: TCP