Pull image Azure Container Registry - Kubernetes Pull image Azure Container Registry - Kubernetes kubernetes kubernetes

Pull image Azure Container Registry - Kubernetes

I got this working after reading this info.


So firstly create the registry access key

kubectl create secret docker-registry myregistrykey --docker-server=https://myregistry.azurecr.io --docker-username=ACR_USERNAME --docker-password=ACR_PASSWORD --docker-email=ANY_EMAIL_ADDRESS

Replacing the server address with the address of your ACR address and the USERNAME, PASSWORD and EMAIL address with the values from the admin user for your ACR. Note: The email address can be value.

Then in the deploy you simply tell kubernetes to use that key for pulling the image like so:

kind: DeploymentapiVersion: extensions/v1beta1metadata:  name: jenkins-masterspec:  replicas: 1  template:    metadata:      name: jenkins-master      labels:        name: jenkins-master    spec:      containers:      - name: jenkins-master        image: myregistry.azurecr.io/infrastructure/jenkins-master:1.0.0        imagePullPolicy: Always        readinessProbe:          tcpSocket:            port: 8080          initialDelaySeconds: 20          timeoutSeconds: 5        ports:        - name: jenkins-web          containerPort: 8080        - name: jenkins-agent          containerPort: 50000      imagePullSecrets:        - name: myregistrykey

This is something we've actually made easier. When you provision a Kubernetes cluster through the Azure CLI, a service principal is created with contributor privileges. This will enable pull requests of any Azure Container Registry in the subscription.

There was a PR: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/40142 that was merged into new deployments of Kubernetes. It won't work on existing kubernetes instances.