Quarkus kubernetesMockServer for application initialization Quarkus kubernetesMockServer for application initialization kubernetes kubernetes

Quarkus kubernetesMockServer for application initialization

The problem is that the Mock Server is only configured to respond right before the test execution, while this code:

void OnStart(@Observes StartupEvent ev) {        KubernetesClient oc = new DefaultKubernetesClient();        CustomResourceDefinition crd = oc.customResourceDefinitions()                .list().getItems().stream()                    .filter( ob -> ob.getMetadata().getName().equals("types.openshift.example-cloud.com"))                    .findFirst().get();        LOGGER.info("Using {}", crd.getMetadata().getName());    }

runs when the application is actually comes up (which is before any @BeforeEach runs).

Can you please open an issue on the Quarkus Github? This should be something we provide a solution for