Ratelimit the number of pods created every second in a deployment Ratelimit the number of pods created every second in a deployment kubernetes kubernetes

Ratelimit the number of pods created every second in a deployment

There is no such direct option in K8s 1.18. Here is related github issue. Some possible workarounds are:

  • use multiple deployments, maybe within multiple namespaces. It may be hard to manage single deployment with 1000s of replicas in therms of any changes.

  • implement random configurable delay inside your client(or with lightweight wrapper) to spread the load over time, depending on total wall clock startup time of your 1000s clients and server power

  • implement custom metrics agent with pod is ready check to scale deployment with HorisontalPodAutoscaler as you need and use Scaling Policies to create 100 pods per minute
  • implement your own pod autoscaler