Readiness Probe does not allow access to an internal kubernetes service while pod is not ready Readiness Probe does not allow access to an internal kubernetes service while pod is not ready kubernetes kubernetes

Readiness Probe does not allow access to an internal kubernetes service while pod is not ready

Just to clarify:

As described by OP with reference to readiness probe:

The kubelet uses readiness probes to know when a Container is ready to start accepting traffic. A Pod is considered ready when all of its Containers are ready. One use of this signal is to control which Pods are used as backends for Services. When a Pod is not ready, it is removed from Service load balancers

In your service yaml you have

spec:  selector:    app: my-app

but in deployment yaml the labels value is different

metadata:  name: my-app-deployment  labels:    app: my-app-deployment

Is there any reason for this?